Lets do some deals :)
- Total cost per month is $359.10
- Divided into 3 groups
- Each group will pay $120 per month
- 1 year commitment
- Each group will get average 665 True Owners per month (Nothing set in stone - But don't use all 2000 :)
- Click Subscribe using Paypal
- Paypak subscription is set to expire after 12 months, so no need to worry there
- Total cost per month is $359.10
- Divided into 3 groups
- Each group will pay $120 per month
- 1 year commitment
- Each group will get average 665 True Owners per month (Nothing set in stone - But don't use all 2000 :)
- Click Subscribe using Paypal
- Paypak subscription is set to expire after 12 months, so no need to worry there